ln 551 A.D. two Byzantine monks smuggled silkworm eggs in their hollowcanes from China. Since then sericulture has spread as far as the southern provinces of Greece. As years went by, Soufli became well-known all over Europe, for its excellent quality silk, which was exported to the international market as a primary product as well as fibre.
During its peak years, Soufli constituted a commercial and cultural centre that gave life to the surrounding area. Suffice it to say that up to the middle of the 20th century every house was a place for sericulture.The trading of fresh cocoons took place in a trading post called ”Haretsi”.The auctions lasted twoweeks. Αη auction ended when the “town crier” shouted “HAARETS”,which in arabic means “the e ο of a deal”.Part of the production remained in Soufli to cover the demand of the local silk factories and the needs of the people in the area as well.Thι2 embroideries and handwoven material was for domestic use.The production of fibre and handicrafts for selling purposes started in 1940’s. Despite the threat of artificially made silk and other synthetic fibres, Soufli remains internationally renowned for its top quality 100% pure